Fuse @ PMI

As a UX/UI professional working at Philip Morris International (PMI), I have been involved in the design and development of content and deliverables on the Fuse learning LMS. This tool is used to manage and deliver training and learning resources to our 80,000 staff members 

Over a period of four years I have worked across community building at PMI for learning. My UX/UI skills have been crucial in designing these communities to be user-friendly, visually appealing, and easy to navigate. I am passionate about creating an effective learning environment for PMI, and I take pride in my ability to design and develop tools that help them succeed.   We've created brands, atomic tools kits, communities and thousands of peices of learning content.

Below is a selection of finished communities; all of these are available to view on our internal learning system 'Fuse'. 

We use Figma to develop prototypes and wireframes as a key part of our design process. use Figma to create interactive prototypes that simulate the final product, which helps our stakeholders visualize the end-user experience and provide feedback early on in the design process. This allows us to make adjustments and iterate on our designs before committing to final development.

Figma also allows us to share our designs with stakeholders in different locations and time zones, which enables us to work together efficiently and effectively. We can also access the design files from anywhere, which makes it easy for us to work remotely.


Client: PMI 
Date: Ongoing
Task: UX & UI and Production
Website: https://pmi.fuseuniversal.com/